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Evo Leap #6 April 12, 2024 – Radical Honesty


  • Three crucial questions
    • Who am I?
    •  Why am I here?
    • What is the purpose of this incarnation?
  • Six basic steps/ 6 Petals / 6 Principles
    • What are my thoughts?
    • What are my feelings?
    • What am I doing?
    • Unbreakable positivity
    • The willingness to begin anew
    • Integrating all the steps/petals above
  • Amy Poehler’s 9 Principle of Improv
    • Keep saying yes
    • Be a good listener
    • Find your team
    •  Finding the game
    • Take up space
    • Can’t be halfway in
    • Don’t bail on your partners
    • Don’t worry about being cool
    • Playing with status
  •  What is the lie you have been telling yourself
  • Are you listening to what your higher self is telling you
  • Your opportunity is to go deeper into connection
  • Having radical honesty

Meditation: Genetic Upgrade